About this blog

This blog is telling about one fruit lover's life, travelling, detox journey, passions and thoughts:)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Day 4

Today I had a day off from work god thank. Not that I was tired but I really would need more time to relax like I did today:) Tomorrow it's gonna be a long day of working and school...

I drank probably 2,5 litres of fresh pressed juices and some tea. And I spelled my last tea on my laptop!! Oh no... need to take it to service, hope it can be fixed...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 2 & 3

On day 2, saturday, I had to work from 7 am to 1 pm and I was so tired after work that I slept for 3 hours... and I went to sleep at 9:30 pm. So rest mostly.

Me and my dog Maxi. Clearly he likes to be in front of the camera and take selfies:D

Today was the 3rd day and I woke up 7 am and had one hour walk in the forest right next to my parent's house:) I have just been laying on sofa watching youtube videos rest of the day. The movie "Fat, sick & nearly dead" was very inspirational movie I can recommend to anyone interested in health & weight loss etc.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Day 1 of my fruit&veggie juice fast!

It is a long time since I wrote in this blog! Like over a year! Well I will tell shortly about last one year...:)

I have moved to own apartment and last summer 2013 I seriously started to work myself towards fruitarian / raw vegan diet. Lots of work, ups and downs, but I have been keeping going all the time. And the herbal formulas (I use dr. Morse's plus I make some of my own tea blends) have helped me also so much!

On October 2013 I was in Florida, dr. Morse's seminar level 1 (International School of Detoxification) and I met some amazing people there! That was such an inspirational week and I started to eat even more fruit and less cooked food after I came home from Florida!

Then the rest of the year 2013 and the first half of 2014 I was just working and studying mostly, and that was pretty stressful time, and I had some struggling and more ups and downs with my diet (not surprising:D). And finally on July 2014 I had my first holidays for a too long time! So I rented a cottage from a little town, in forest just next to a lake, just to have a 14-day master cleanase (lemon juice-maple syrup fast). That was an amazing experience! And it was also very hard, so I wanted to be in nature far from stressful and busy city environment. The first three and half days were worst and after that it was actually quite easy:)

1.9.-7.9. 2014 I was in Spain 80-10-10 friendly raw fruit festival again! That was sooo amazing, I fell in love with the fruit, the people, the place... I just wanted it to last forever but here I am back in cold Finland again! No problems staying 100% raw fruitarian in warm Spain and with no stress, but when I came back in Finland and all the work and study stuff with stress came back, I really have had too much cooked rice!:D My stress food...

Now I'm back in work and school and I saw this movie "Fat, sick and nearly dead", very inspirational movie that I could recommend for everyone:) So.. I wanted to start a fruit & veggie juice fast! For me, I will be drinking only fruit and veggie juices as much as I want to for as long as I feel good. But more than 7 days for sure. This was my first day and I'm feeling great!