About this blog

This blog is telling about one fruit lover's life, travelling, detox journey, passions and thoughts:)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day 24

Okay, 24 days done and today I haven't felt so good. I have felt a bit muscle weakness and just like I am getting a flu. Lymph nodes on my throat are sore and sore throat also. But I am actually happy to see some detox symptoms:) (so I know at least something is happening)!

I will continue, I want to make the full 30 days:)

(I'm just watching all the delish low fat vegan recipes in youtube and blogs...! Oh my goddess they look good!)

(c) Minimalist Baker

Thursday, October 16, 2014

20 days:)

Okay 20 days of juice feast behind and I will keep going at least till 30... This is actually not too hard because weeks passes by so fast and it is another weekend again. At least now when I just have my work and all other routines. I am maybe not detoxing so well because my kidneys are not yet filthering and I have high stress hormones. But I just do my best and next spring I am finished with my school:)

I was very efficient at school this time...:)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Days 10 to 14... Two weeks done!

Today 2 weeks juice "fasting" done. But I actually wouldn't even call this a fast, this is rather like a raw vegan diet but I am just drinking my food.  I don't feel hungry or tired because I am getting so much energy and nutrients from my juices! And these green juices are perfect for alkalizing but not detoxing too strong.

My favourite fruit juice (which I could drink all day only:) is my orange-pineapple juice, here is the recipe:

1 kg of oranges and mandarines
1/3 of pineapple (ripe!)
Handful of grapes (green or dark)
1 passion fruit

Yummm! <3

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Days 7, 8 & 9 of juice fast: one week behind!

Last few days I have been working normally and resting the rest of the days. I should be doing schoolwork, but I don't want to take stress about that too much. I need rest and free time too, especially when I work full time during my juice fast.

I wouldn't recommend this to everyone though, I really recommend people to first educate themselves first properly about this whole fasting and try out several shorter fasts,  and make sure you are able to rest and relax!

I have done several (veggie and/or fruit juice)fasts during last few years,  I started with 2-3 days and did 4, 5 , 7 days. And this summer I finally decided to try the extremely strong and detoxing master cleanase (lemon juice fast).

I have been eating only raw fruit and veggies mostly for so long time that I knew I could work and do fruit and vegetable juice fast same time. It is not too strong or detoxing for me anymore.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Days 5 & 6

Two long days behind! Every tuesday and wednesday wake up at 6, work from 8am to 4pm, drive straight to my school. I have lessons from 16:30pm to 20:30pm and then I might have to go to supermarket to buy some food and drive back to home...

This time there was some super cheap fruit only 1€ per kilo or grapes 2€ per kilo, so I had to buy lots of fruit and veggies! (The discount was only till wednesday)

Yum! Now I think I have enough food for a while!