About this blog

This blog is telling about one fruit lover's life, travelling, detox journey, passions and thoughts:)

Sunday, February 17, 2013


After being almost one week in las palmas I was planning to leave the city on saturday and go explore the rest of the island, but I had no plans where. On friday one german guy came to sleep in the same room and asked about my journey and plans. I just told him I want to leave on saturday but I don't know where. So he said he is leaving on saturday too and I can join him if I want:)

So next morning we took a bus to see another towns on island...

The nature on the island is mostly dry and it's full of banana plantasies...

And a lot of stone beaches...

...with beautiful waves:) and then dogs...

Exploring towns in western part of the island

Next he told me he is going to help his friend in a new hostel with some electricity. I said I can come with him, and now I'm still here. I'm just volunteering as a cleaner and I can stay here free, so that is a nice thing because I'm running out of money!

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